Thursday, February 4, 2010

2/4/2010 Have I Done Any Good in the World Today?

A talk in church a couple months ago about giving daily service really touched me. It's amazing how easy it is to stay in your comfort zone and not reach out. I find that I really have to make the effort to think of those around me and see if I find a need, especially because I find people have a hard time asking for help. I enjoy giving service and grew up with a wonderful example of selfless giving in my mother. She has an eye for people in need and will always make the effort to help others at her own expense. When I go back and visit my parents and attend their ward, someone will invariably talk my ear off about how great my mom is because she brought them dinner, babysat their kids, ran errands for them, brought them a homemade pie, and on and on.

This past week I've been the recipient of service as we've been moving into our new home. Three friends helped me pack last Friday. Eight men and two of my friends helped us get moved over on Saturday morning. Cody's dad and stepmom helped us unpack and move some more things over Saturday afternoon. One of Cody's friends has put in about 8 hours helping to install our dishwasher, get a pool fence, and various other things. A friend helped me clean our old house for a couple hours today. And on and on.

And here's the perfect link to go along with this:

Have I Done Any Good in the World Today?

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