Proceed with caution! Crazed Homeschool Mom's Rant Ahead! I need serious help before I go insane. How do you fellow homeschoolers balance homeschool with housework and everything else that needs to be done in a day? It seems like it's either/or for me. I constantly feel like I'm drowning and can barely keep my head above water. Seriously, I'm not a perfectionist so I'm not talking about keeping a spotless house or spending 6 hours a day "homeschooling", but I just can't seem to manage both. Granted, I don't feel my children are behind in anything but I would really like to spend more time sitting down with them doing our CM routine instead of unschooling ;). Truthfully we have only gotten through half of last year's curriculum for first grade on Ambleside Online. I've read of some homeschoolers' glowing accounts of how they spend their day, but my question is - when do you clean the toilets? when do the trees get watered? who takes care of big projects like window washing, and when? Yes, I do flylady and my morning and evening routines help tremendously, but other than that I feel like I don't have time. And I've even sacrificed some of my frugalities this year for homeschool's sake - I took down the clothesline and I use Cascade Complete instead of the cheap stuff so I can just pop dirty dishes and pans in the dishwasher without rinsing. Waaaaaaah!
Some things that I need to feel complete and that either take a backseat in life or that put homeschooling on my backburner are:
Reading for my own pleasure/education
home projects like organizing closets
family history
taking care of my calling
blogging :)
working on the yard/garden
End of Rant. Phew. I think just getting that all out helped me emotionally. But seriously, if you have any inspiration, PLEASE HELP!!
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